December 1, 2022

Elements of a Great Cosmetology School

Thinking about starting a new career in cosmetology? Now is a great time to make it happen! The demand for licensed cosmetologists is growing every year, and these days, people appreciate their cosmetologists even more. The first step is finding the right cosmetology training program, but how do you choose? While you’re evaluating different cosmetology schools, think about these important elements that make a good cosmetology school a great place to learn.

  • Future-focused. A great cosmetology school designs programs that help students succeed in the future. That means not just teaching the current trends, but also how to adjust as things change in the future. Beauty trends evolve quickly, so it’s important to stay ahead of the curve and learn techniques that you can customize to keep up with the trends. It also means teaching business skills, envisioning a future where the students have gained enough experience, and acquired a clientele that lets them open their own salon & spa. The best programs are comprehensive and focused on the future.
  • Student-focused. The best-accredited schools always put the needs of their students at the forefront. In the cosmetology industry, that means designing a curriculum that teaches students the skills and knowledge about industry standards that they’ll need to start working in their new careers right away. This is achieved by having instructors who are licensed and experienced in cosmetology equip students with the tools they’ll need to succeed in the best salons and spas.
  • Success-focused. Learning means much more than reading books and listening to lectures, especially when you’re training for an entirely new career. You need caring instructors who will constantly challenge you to do your best, helping you truly absorb the material and master the skills you need to succeed. You’ll also need hands-on experience with real clients so that you’ll know what it’s like to help people look and feel their best every day.

The good news is you can get all these things and more when you enroll in the cosmetology program at Summit Salon Academy KC! Our professional, caring instructors have years of experience in their fields, so you can learn all the tricks of the trade to help you succeed, whether you’re working for an established business or starting your own salon & spa. We’re always focused on you, your success, and your future, with a world-class curriculum that will make you in demand in your field.

While many of our students work in or own their own salon & spas, there are many other opportunities for licensed cosmetologists, including:

  • Celebrity stylist
  • Artistic director for beauty brands
  • Instructor
  • Salon/spa manager
  • Film or theater stylist
  • Fashion show/industry stylist
  • Marketing and advertising stylist
  • Cruise ship stylist
  • Stylist at exotic destinations for the travel industry
  • And so much more!

Cosmetology is the perfect career for you if you love helping people. You’ll work with your own clients every day, helping them to look amazing and feel more confident to succeed in their own lives. You’ll also meet many new people and make new friends for life with regular interaction with new people every day.

If you’re thinking about a new career in cosmetology, connect with our education professionals at Summit Salon Academy KC today. You’ll discover the exciting possibilities of a career in cosmetology. With our world-class training programs and exceptional student support, we’ll give you the skills, knowledge, and confidence you need to succeed! You can find us at 815 West 23rd St S in Independence, MO, or call us at (816) 252-4247 x303 for admissions information. You can also take our online career assessment to see if a career in cosmetology is right for you. Message us online to ask questions and learn more about our exciting world-class programs. For more information, you can also schedule a tour of our exceptional career education programs.