May 17, 2022

Swimsuits are On Their Way, Time to Get Rid of Body Hair

Summer is here, and it’s time to relax for fun in the sun! You want to look your best at the beach or at the poolside in that new, revealing bikini, so it’s important to get rid of unwanted body hair quickly and effectively. Waxing is one of the most economical and effective ways to get that done. Here’s why.

Long-lasting. Shaving gets rid of hair temporarily, but you’ll see – and feel – stubble start to come back as soon as the next day! That means constant shaving is needed to keep the unwanted hair away. Waxing gets rid of the hair from the root, actually causing damage to that root so it has to repair itself before it can grow back hair. That means no stubble for weeks – 3 to 6 weeks to be exact, and when your hair does grow back, the weaker follicle means weaker hair that will be easier to wax away next time.

Exfoliating. Did you know that waxing exfoliates your skin? That’s right, that exfoliating action that makes your skin look and feels so fantastic when you get professional facials is also happening when you have your skin professionally waxed to get rid of unwanted hair. Exfoliating means removing that extra layer of dead skin cells that clog up pores and keep lotions and nourishing serums from absorbing properly, and you can get it for all your skin with regular waxing. Exfoliating is also an effective anti-aging treatment, helping jumpstart your skin’s own renewal processes so your skin looks softer and younger for longer.

No cuts or scrapes. The worst part about shaving is the cuts and scrapes you can get from regular scraping with those sharp razor blades. Skin just wasn’t designed for shaving, so it’s not uncommon to get those nicks and scrapes every time you shave. With waxing, no sharp razors are involved, so you get beautiful skin without cuts or scrapes that can cause unsightly and painful infections.

Allergy-free. Another method of home hair removal is a hair removal cream, but these can be ineffective because they don’t remove hair consistently. But the biggest problem with these creams and lotions is their harsh ingredients, which can really affect your skin, possibly causing rashes and other issues. Waxing only uses natural wax, an ingredient that almost never creates an allergic response. There are no other ingredients like perfumes or dyes, so waxing is a great option for people with sensitive skin.

Effective. Waxing is one of the most effective hair removal treatments available because every hair in the treatment area is removed when you have a professional waxing treatment. That lets your esthetician student at Summit Salon Academy KC perfectly shape your brows for that look you want all year long.

Waxing works on just about every area of the body, such as:

  • Legs
  • Arms
  • Underarms
  • Bikini area
  • Back

It’s an effective way to get rid of that unwanted hair so you can have a great summer in your favorite bikini!

Economical. Waxing is an economical way to remove hair, especially when done by our students at Summit Salon Academy KC. Our students receive a full education and practice with their waxing techniques before working in our luxury salon, but their experience with you as a real client is invaluable for their future careers. We appreciate your value to our students, so we offer our student services at economical prices so you can get great service at a reasonable price and get the results you need and want.

Get rid of unwanted hair today at Summit Salon Academy Kansas City. Make an appointment today and our student estheticians will help you get smooth, silky skin for all your summer fun! All our students receive comprehensive esthetics training before working in our luxury salon and are supervised when performing your waxing services by experienced, licensed estheticians. You can find us at 815 West 23rd St S in Independence, MO, or call us at (816) 252-4247 x301 to schedule your appointment. You can also find more information, book an appointment, and get reminders for your waxing appointments right on your mobile device with our free mobile app. Download it today from iTunes and Google Play.